jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

10. English course

Well, to my surprise, I liked this course. I had taken this course just because I was lazy (I didn’t want to do the English oral exam again) and was kind of bothered to be a Thursday afternoon at the university, but as the classes began I spent a good time.

About the blogs, I think it was a good learning experience if it’s done seriously. You start to be used to write in English, and even learn new words and expressions because you need them to talk about what you want. The only downgrade of this method is that is easy to cheat, but that’s more like a moral problem than a problem of the system itself. Also, I would have liked to do more free-themed blog, because there were some thematic that I really didn’t know much about.

I think that the most important aspect to be improved in my English is pronunciation. I’m a really bad talker (in Spanish and English), so it’s kind of difficult to pronounce well in English. Also, I’m not very good learning new words; I have a really bad memory. This affects the fluidity of my speaking, because sometimes I don’t know what to answer or explain well certain things.  About what I would do to improve these things, I think I’m doing a few right now. I usually watch TV series with English subtitles (because I’m too impatient to wait for the Spanish releases) and when I find a word that I don’t know I search it. Also, I’m reading a book in English, so I kind of practice English that way. Regarding the pronouncing, the video talks of this course helped me a little, but it’s difficult anyway.

To end this entry, like I said before, I use English in a few activities: to watch TV series, to read a book, to play videogames and to learn from forums in English about different aspects. Also, from time to time I have to read papers in English for the university, and write abstracts of papers that I have to do for it too.

Well, I hope you liked this entry, good day to you all J

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2013

9. 2013

Overall, I think that I had a very…neutral year. Among the good things that happened in my life is that I could have a new pet in January, a ferret named Tsukihi (by the way, that means fire of the moon). Even though she is a really messy, spoiled, and doesn’t even hear my scolding, I love her. I believe this is the most important good thing in the year because I love animals and I have always wanted to have a ferret.

Another good thing is that it was a good year academically. This semester was especially good, with a few exceptions, because I liked almost all my classes, and that lead me to think what specialty I am going to take. Also, I had good grades overall.

Something like this, but with less  money xD
Finally that last good thing is that I live alone now. Even though I have to lives with roommates in my previous house, it was annoying because I didn’t choose with whom to live, and there was someone that bothered me.

Pinina sleeping

About the bad things…I could name two which affected me. One was to end my relationship with my partner, which lasted about three years, but I would prefer not to talk about it. The other thing is that my cat named Pinina died. I am really sad and I think I will never get past it, because she had been with my since I had memory and was family to me. The thing I most regret about it is that I never got the chance to say goodbye to her, because she died two weeks before I could go to my house in Coquimbo.

I don’t really recall any achievements (except breeding some good pokemon in pokemon X? xD), and I would want to work in something before the end of the year, because I need the money.

Well, I think that’s it, see you next week. J